Saturday, 6 March 2010

Training and Development

training x2

In the one-week induction training programme for graduates, I would firstly include a session which involves gathering personal information from the trainees. This would include information regarding their age and any disabilities the graduates may have so that the training programme can be modified accordingly if certain individuals require it. This would also help avoid discriminating against individuals that may need to be accustomed for with certain tasks. This first stage of the induction programme would take place within the business but outside the workplace itself. This is because this process would be distracting to customers in the workplace but too expensive to pay a specialised training company to handle such a task. Its effectiveness would be evaluated in it's ability to accommodate for graduates that have disabilities. Feedback can also be given via a Questionnaire which would also evaluate its effectiveness based on the number of complaints/compliments given.

The second stage of the induction programme would involve E-learning. The content of this E-learning stage would be accessible both in and outside the workplace, requiring a PC, Internet connection and a valid username/password. The E-learning stage gives the graduates information on how to effectively:

  • Communicate to both employees and customers
  • Work in a team
  • Manage time
  • Solve problems

Its effectiveness is evaluated in it's ability for graduates to learn the material without any questions, queries or problems in general.

The third stage of the induction programme would involve coaching of the graduates. Graduates would be coached on topics regarding managing retail chains, motivating staff and problem solving in addition to any legislative laws and regulations that are relevant to store managers. This would take place within the organisation with the current store managers in the business being the mentors. Its effectiveness would be evaluated by the extent to which the trainees understand what they are being taught. If the coaching is proving to be effective, the trainees should perform well in the on the job training stage of the training programme as the two stages are linked.

The fourth stage of the induction programme would involve on the job training. This would include the store managers demonstrating how to carry out tasks and activities a typical store manager would e.g. how to deal with customer complaints/queries. This stage would take place within the work environment of the business. The effectiveness of the stage would be evaluated by the responses given by graduates when the store managers ask questions at random regarding the on the job training. If all of the graduates respond with the answers that the store managers are looking for, it would appear the stage is too easy. Conversely, if all of the responses from the graduates aren't what the store managers are looking for, it would appear the stage is too difficult for the graduates.

In conclusion, I have enjoyed this topic on Training and Development. This is because the information that I've learnt from this topic will be of use to me once I leave University and seek employment. I've also found the material of the topic interesting. This is because a lot of the information on this topic is new to me as I wasn't very knowledgeable with regards to Training and Development before I had read into this topic.


Training and Development image. [n.d.] [s.n.] Available from: [Accessed 17 March 2010].


Mary said...

I think you are trying to achieve too much in one week. Graduates would not be expected to stand in for store managers after only a couple of days. I like the idea of using different techniques, like e-learning, but I think you might focus on skills rather than job roles. We can talk about this next week if you are unsure but try to think of the learning objectives for each day to help

crazyjames1080 said...

I've changed the e-learning technique to be more about skills than job roles e.g. how to communicate, solve problems etc.

crazyjames1080 said...

I've also changed the on-the-job training from standing in for store managers to store managers demonstrating how to go about tasks and activities as a store manager.

Mary said...

Thanks for the additions!